Friday, October 27, 2017

Top 5 Halloween Pet Hazards

Top 5 Halloween Pet Hazards

        Halloween is a fun time of year. The weather is crisp and children are beyond excited to dress in their costumes and eat sweet treats. But although the rest of your family is excited your pets may not be. There are many dangers for your pet, not to mention it can be very stressful. Here is a list of things to watch out for this Halloween.
1. Candy - Candy can be very toxic to your pet, especially Chocolate and Sugar Free candies. Chocolate contains caffeine and Theobromine which are both very toxic to pets. Both of these chemicals stimulate the heart and the Central Nervous System that dogs and cats can't metabolize causing a potentially serious even life threatening situation. Xylitol is a chemical that is found in sugar free candies, gums, and is often used in other products too such as certain peanut butters. This chemical causes excessive amounts of insulin to be released resulting in a dangerous drop in blood sugar known as hypoglycemia. This happens within minutes causing a very serious situation very fast which can be fatal. If your pet ingests these items call your veterinarian right away.
2. Decorations - Skeletons, witches, and spiderwebs oh my! Decorating your house for the occasion is fun, but make sure you keep your pets in mind as well. Many decorations, wires, cords can be hazardous to your pet if your pet chews or swallows those items. Not to mention scary. You must also keep your pets emotional health in mind. Although it might be comical to some people that Fido is afraid of the flashing zombie, as you see on many YouTube videos, but this is actually not in your pets best interest. Intentionally scaring or stressing your pet can be very damaging to their emotional health. Stress can lead to many problems medically for you pet.
3. Lit Pumpkins - Jack-o-lanterns are a Halloween staple. But they can pose many dangers. Curious pets can easily be burned if a real candle is use to illuminate the carved out face. Or if knocked over by an exuberant pet, a real candle falling out of place can potentially cause a fire.
4. Costumes - Dressing your pet up can be silly and fun. If your pet doesn't mind of course. Some pets are not thrilled with being dressed up and this can cause unnecessary stress to your pet. Don't force your pet to wear a costume if he or she doesn't like it. Costumes can be restricting and awkward for animals. If your pet is OK with wearing a costume, be sure it fits properly and it doesn't restrict movement, vision or airways.
5. Trick-or-Treaters - Some pets are very social and out going, but some pets don't like strange house guest. Multiple strange visitors constantly ringing your door bell screaming "Trick-or-Treat" can be a frighting ordeal to some pets. They don't understand whats going on and it can cause extreme stress. It may be a good idea to seclude your pet in a separate quiet room away from the chaos. Maybe give them their favorite treat and play music or turn the TV on to drown out the noise of the rambunctious sugar hyped children racing to your door. Your pet will be much more comfortable and happy to not be subjected to such anxiety.
Halloween is a fun time but keep your pets physical and mental health in mind. They may not share the passion for the holiday as you and your children do. Keeping candy away from your pet is usually common knowledge but the Mental and Emotional needs of your pet often are over looked. But put yourself in their shoes. These holiday rituals can be very frightening! But by following these guidelines you and your pet can have a safe and stress free Halloween!

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